We are SO excited to be partnering with Planned Parenthood of the North Central States on our full moon hikes! Each hike, we'll be learning about and exploring different topics related to menstruation and cycles.
Join us for a moonlit hike and gathering to celebrate the full moon and connect to each other and ourselves as we dive deep into the topic of menstruation and cycles! For so long, the topic of menstruation and the role it plays in our lives has been shamed or overlooked, and we're thrilled to partner with Amber Francis of Planned Parenthood to spend time outdoors, talk some real talk about our cycles, and build community! This event is open to any adult with a uterus!
At this hike, we'll hike the trails of Walnut Woods State Park in West Des Moines to capture the newness of spring. Then, we'll gather for some education and activity as Amber dives in to this month's topic: Spring and Menstruation: Explore the connection between spring and the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, and how rising estrogen during this time brings a surge of energy, momentum, productivity, and creativity. Just like spring does after resting all winter! To cap the night, we'll enjoy a campfire and discussion circle, ending with community and empowerment. Registration is limited to 25 folks.
We are so proud to partner with Planned Parenthood North Central States for this event to support the amazing work they do for personal health in our state and beyond. It's not required, but we would happily accept donations of period products at the hike for Planned Parenthood to distribute! There is also an option at registration to support Planned Parenthood's work with a small additional donation.
About our instructor
Amber Francis has a Bachelors degree in Health Promotion and is a reproductive health educator dedicated to bridging the gap between people and their understanding of their bodies at a time when reproductive rights and education are more vital than ever. Amber plans to provide programming that weaves together the history of menstrual cycles, the science of ovulation, and the powerful connections between lunar phases, seasonal cycles, and our bodies. Her goal is to help cultivate informed communities, where strong relationships and a shared understanding of our bodies can lead to meaningful advocacy and change.