Filtering by: “NEJULY24 BSA”

Kayak the Elkhorn River
Hop on a kayak and paddle with us down a 7-mile scenic stretch of the Elkhorn River. Check out the sandstone cliffs, abundant wildlife, and unique perspective of this important river system in West Omaha. This is an all-inclusive kayaking experience on a beginner-friendly stretch of the Elkhorn River. It’s a great opportunity for folks who want to try paddling and to do so in a safe and accessible environment.

Meet Your State Park: Indian Cave State Park
Indian Cave State Park, located south of Peru, offers some of the best hiking in Eastern Nebraska with steep hills leading to stunning views of the Missouri River Valley. Join us for a half-day adventure as we hike a 6-mile loop of their 22-mile expansive trail system and enjoy a campfire dinner together after!