Filtering by: “FEB25 BiteSizedAdventures”

February Soup Hike

February Soup Hike

It’s soup season, y’all! Embrace the cold air and snowy trails with our new food-motivated hike series, Soup Hikes! We’ll kick things off with a scenic hike through the trails of Jester Park. After our trek through the winter wonderland, it’s time to warm up with a well-earned soup lunch.

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Winter Night Hike

Winter Night Hike

Join us for a beautiful evening winter hike, when the world is quiet and beautiful! We've missed our full moon hikes, and we LOVE hiking at night, especially in the winter. So many birds to see, so much sky to admire, and the trails to ourselves. Join us for a Friday evening hike sure to refresh your spirit and calm your body doing a hard winter month!

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S.A.D. Girl Hikes

S.A.D. Girl Hikes

Introducing a new hike series this winter: S.A.D. Girl Hikes—where we tackle Seasonal Affective Disorder one chilly step at a time! This series is all about getting outside, embracing the winter chill, and shaking off those winter blues with a community of like-minded friends who get it.

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